- device
- gadget
- smartphone
Extension of the manufacturer’s warranty, protection in a case of mechanical damage and 24/7 support – the perfect formula for your device’s life.
We are getting upset when your phone is powerless against troubles. Support.ua will help!
- Covering non-warranty cases
- Repair, compensations, or replacement
- Tech-support 24/7
Continuation of the assurance -
Repair, compensation, or replacement -
Tech-support 24/7 -
Дистанційне вирішення технічних питань —
Техпідтримка 24 / 7 —
Економія часу та нервів —
While buying our services in our partner’s shops, you have to be sure – now your technique is safe whenever you are!
Do you want to finally find qualitative and accessible service, which is always available ?
Support.ua helps to deal with any problems with your techniques. Extension of the manufacturer’s warranty, protection in a case of mechanical damage and 24/7 support – the perfect formula for your device’s life
So here’s the plan: when you buying techniques from one of our partners’ shops, don’t forget to add Support.ua service to your shopping cart, which will suits your device perfectly. You can easily choose specific service based on what kind of troubles you want to protect your device from. Support.ua’s service list includes: extension of the manufacturer’s guarantee, mechanical damages reparation, profitable Trade-in and round-the-clock tech-support.
Don’t worry about transportation of your techniques. Support.ua guarantees a free delivery in both ways .Delivery from your place is provided for the devices bigger than 5 kilograms.You can also bring your techniques straight to our office in Kyiv.
Next step – professional diagnostic in our service center during the 5 working days, after which techniques will be repairing for less than two weeks.
If trouble happens, just contact us via our online-chat or call us 0-800 305-024
Support.ua – is your loyal friend in the world of the gadgets!